Jo Avery – the Blog

yo-yo sample pillow

There hasn’t been much time for sewing during what I am calling ‘Mental March’. I have hardly drawn breath since I came back from QuiltCon, what with 2 ‘Fairs’ on consecutive weekends, lovely Karen Lewis staying with me last weekend, 2 magazine commission deadlines (so I have been sewing but nothing I can show you!),

QuiltCon Prep with The Makers!

So I think you all know by now that I AM GOING TO QUILTCON!!! This is probably one of the most exciting things I have ever done (is that a bit sad?!) and I am on my way to Austin TOMORROW!! I have a lot of workshops booked and have to take a large amount

It’s been a very pouchy Christmas!

Pouchy for presents that is! I’ve come to the zippy pouch very late in the day, having let my colleague Naomi teach our class in this subject in the past. But armed with this excellent tutorial from Flossie Teacakes  I turned this hexy sample piece (that I made during my demos at the recent ICHF show)

Giveaway results and lovely gifts for me!

First of all let’s get those results out the way! The winner of the Stitch Gathering Goody Bag is number 86! Congratulations Gill!! I will email you privately to get your address 🙂 Commiserations to everyone else, but to make up for your loss let’s look at some pretty things. I wanted to highlight the

Easy Tote Bag Tutorial

For a while now I’ve had this gorgeous ‘Made for Adventure’ panel of Cori Dantini’s (from her The Sweet Life collection) and have been meaning to do something with it. Recently we put our remaining stock of these panels in our summer sale and I decided it would be a good time to finally make

The Stitch Gathering Ticket Bag Samples

I’m sure by now you have all heard about the Stitch Gathering. And all about the quilt I recently finished from last year’s fabric tickets. A few people suggested that last year’s ticket was such a great idea we would have trouble topping it this year. Well I had something up my sleeve that might

Using up my class samples again…

I have been very busy with my workshops over the last few months. Most classes involve a degree of class prep plus I quite ofter produce a block during the class. So on Monday I had a great time using up some of my class samples and making them in to useful items. I have

Scottish Modern Quilt Exhibition

For those of you who can’t make it along to our Scottish Modern Quilt Exhibition I thought I would share these photos that my husband, Jonathan, took after he had finished the mammoth task of hanging them on Friday (thanks Jonathan!). I took the last 3 to highlight particular things he had missed. This is

Crocheted African Flower Bag

Well I keep crocheting these African Flowers and the blanket is getting so heavy so I thought I better find a new use for them – so here’s my African Flower Handbag! With my blanket I have joined-as-you-go with a different colour round each hexagon but for this project I outlined each one with a

A hearty Goodbye to 2011…

… and Hello to 2012! I am just hoping it will be an improvement on 2011 which was a pretty pants year as far as I was concerned, but it did have lots of good points too. And look at all the quilts I managed to actually finish! I am very impressed with myself. Of