Jo Avery – the Blog

Ombre Clamshell Cushions

Back in June I finished the Clamshell Cushion below. It had started as a class sample and then hung around in the WIP pile for a few years before I was in a tidying mood in the Spring.  It reminded me how much I like to work with this shape and technique. Around the same

Giant Clamshells

It seems a long time since I showed you something I made! All my time recently has been taken up with the Stitch Gathering or making stuff that I can’t show you yet. And then for the last week I have been either ill or busy organising our Edinburgh Modern Quilt Guild Luke Haynes event

Liberty Clamshell Cushion

A few months back Fiona put up this great tutorial on clamshells. I have always wanted to have a go at these and pretty much started this piece as soon as I had stopped reading! As regular readers will know I have a large stash of Liberty tana lawn, collected over many long years. But