Jo Avery – the Blog

The Gathering Blooms BOM Begins!

The Gathering Blooms BOM officially starts today with the publication of issue 94 of Today’s Quilter!  I wrote a whole post about this new BOM a few weeks back which you can read here. Please note that the 60% off subscription offer is still valid but of course you won’t get your first issue with

A Month in the Country BOM

As we are just over half way through I thought it would be nice to have a catch-up with my Block of the Month for Today’s Quilter magazine.  Every month I design two blocks inspired by my surroundings at Shangri la Farm, the seven acre smallholding where I live. The blocks are accompanied by a

Flower Tile Cushion

Last week we had a little taste of Spring up here in Scotland with some mild weather. But alas, it was short lived and this week we’ve been plunged back into winter. However Spring can’t be far away, and here’s a lovely Spring-like project to get us in the mood! And look, it’s made the

St Catherine’s School Quilt

I have a couple of different quilts on the go at the moment which aren’t for publication so I can share some WIP posts about them. This first one is quite exciting as it’s the first public commission I have ever had. One of my students, Morag, is a teacher at a local catholic primary

Autumn is for Applique

  We’ve just put our wood burning stove on for the first time since before summer, so in our house that means it’s officially Autumn! And as much as I hate the short days and the grey skies it is lovely to be warm and cosy inside. Regular readers will know that I have been

Scraptastic Applique!

A few weeks ago we announced the workshops for our Thread House Retreat in January. The retreat sold out after just 6 days! Karen, Lynne and I are teaching two workshops each (the most popular of which can be repeated) and one of mine is needle-turn applique. So I thought it would be nice to

Improv Meadow Quilt

I have a finish I can share with you as soon as it is finished! So many of my quilts are for publication these days that this is a bit of a novelty! This is my Improv Meadow Quilt, which is actually destined to be a wall hanging. It measures 37 x 43inches. I started