Jo Avery – the Blog

100th Post Giveaway!!!

Well somehow I have managed to write 100 whole pages about craft stuff! It has taken me a year and a half but it still seems quite an achievement. But there wouldn’t be much point me writing anything at all if you lovely people weren’t out there reading it. So as a big THANK YOU


The Random Generator (my husband, Jonathan) has spoken! Jonathan picked these 3 names out of a bowl today in this order: 1. Shayla Sharp 2. Marg (Raphael’s Mum) 3. Katrina Well done you winners! I will be emailing each of you next week to get your addresses, but if you see this first please feel

1 year blogoversary and new Etsy shop giveaway!

Yes, I have 2 things to celebrate. I finally got that Etsy shop organised and stocked with a whole range of my handmade goodies AND it is a year since I started this blog! I can’t really overstate how much this blog has meant to me in what has been a very difficult year. When

More bags and a bear with paws

Do you remember a few months back when I showed you my ‘little animal in a teacup pincushions’ (must think of a snappier name!)? I wrote about them here and asked you to suggest an animal to go in the last teacup (I like to think it’s of similar importance to the 4th plinth in

Beginner’s Luck!

I am so excited! I won a giveaway!! And it was actually the first one I have got around to actually entering. Thanks so much to Margueritte from Adventures in Quilting and Sailing who tipped me off to this amazing giveaway on a Flickr group called Fresh Modern Quilts. They were celebrating their 2000 member,