Jo Avery – the Blog

Sampler Tree Embroidery with extra owls

I have been having a week off work for a wee holiday, just ‘staycationing’ at beautiful Shangri La Farm. But seeing as I have picked the wettest week of the year for it, I have been inside sewing most of the time! This has given me time to catch up on ARRR8 and Cherish Circle

Granny Circle Blanket with pattern

I really hope you all like looking at photos of crocheted blankets because there is a LOT of them in this post! Here it is finished, the beautiful, gorgeous, totally delicious, Psychedelic Granny Square Blanket I started back in January! And I am completely in love with it! So much so that I dragged it

Trip around the pumpkins

Here’s a Trip Around The World cot quilt I just finished to sell in the shop. I used this tutorial from Quiltville and it was very quick and easy. Melanie of Texas Freckles is doing this design for one of the other ‘Do Good Stitches’ circles this month and recommended this tute. I like checking

Felix gets his quilt!

Do you remember this quilt? I went on about it quite a bit back in April / May. It is my eldest son Felix’s 21st birthday quilt (which I eventually named ‘The Colour Picker Quilt’) which I made while he was away travelling. Well it was his 21st birthday on Friday so he finally got

Wedding Blanket

I can’t believe that I have been making this crochet blanket for the last 2 months and yet I haven’t shared it with you at all! Just too much else going on at the moment. I have been making this as a wedding present for my neice Sarah and her new husband Rob. You may

Birthdays, bags and blog buttons

  It was my birthday on Wednesday and my newly returned son Felix made me this scrumptious white chocolate and summer berry cheesecake! It is his own recipe and it tasted as good as it looks. My dear husband bought me a new camera! I have been using his old one, but it was a

look who just got back!

Some of you may remember how sad I was when my eldest son, Felix, went away travelling back in September last year. I moaned on and on about it here. Well last night he finally returned! And this is what he looked like when we picked him up from the airport. Yes he really is

Sleepy Owl Pyjama Case

Brrr! It’s getting cold at night now, and at the end of the day all I want to do is climb into my jim-jams and curl up on the sofa with a bit of hand sewing or crocheting. But the next morning my pyjamas are just lying around on the bed! Now I am not

A tour of Shangri-La Farm!

As promised, I am now ready to take you on a whistlestop tour of our Shangri-La Farm! We have not officially named it this as there has been a few negative reactions. It was a bit of a joke to start with but I like it and so do lots of my loyal readers, so