Jo Avery – the Blog

Spot The Difference

Seeing as it’s the Easter Holidays I thought it would be nice to have a ‘spot the difference’ competition to help keep your kids busy while they are off school. So I completely re-made the Red Riding Hood quilt that I made 2 years ago for the DQS9 just so we could play a little

Warning – vintage notebook overdose alert!!

A couple of months ago I made my first two of these notebook holders. I wrote about them here and I hoped to teach a workshop on them. However this was another of those classes that didn’t get enough interest (I seem to be always saying this, but lots of my classes do get booked

I feel like a proud parent

First of all I must say a massive THANK YOU to everybody who commented after my last post and gave me such great advice over my problem QAYG project. Yes, the grey will definitely be going! And you all had such sensible suggestions that I know I will come up with the best solution soon.

I am a fabric magnet!

After a long weekend off, I returned to work yesterday to find 3 packets waiting for me.  2 of these I was expecting, but an airmail packet was a bit of a mystery.  When I opened it and found this cute little mini quilt, my first thought was that someone had sent me their Doll

English paper piecing anyone?

Mmmm… yummy, yummy! Here I am at Liberty of London last Saturday. Looking at all the gorgeous Kaffe and Amy Butler fabric. I was down for my neice’s Hen Do, and staying for an extra day with my best friend, Liz. Here’s Liz looking quite excited about the wool Sale! Yes, I timed things just

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!

Woo hoo! It’s Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day! Last year I applied to join in a little too late but somehow my name still appeared on the list and I then had a lot of very disappointed visitors! So this year I am going to make amends by giving away this monster pile of fat

Goodie Bag Swap

Another day, another swap completed! This time it’s the first round of the Goodie Bag Swap on Flickr. Make your partner a bag (or purse as I believe our American cousins call them) and fill it with a plastic bag full of fabric scraps! I got paired with someone very young and funky, so I

Hand quilting with Lynz and Julie

On Saturday I had the great pleasure of a visit from not one, but two blogging friends! Here is Lynz from Domestic Light and Magic and Julie from Forest Poppy (with me in the middle). Don’t we look happy? That is mainly down to the yummy chocolate cake we are devouring! Julie made the most

Lovely things in the post and a bouquet of new corsages

  Don’t you think that our lovely community of crafty bloggers are the nicest, most generous people in the world?! I do! A few months ago I got a very nice email from a lady called Elizabeth Scott, from San Francisco, who had found my Little House Pincushion Tutorial while searching the internet for Greengate

Scrappy Button Mandela

  Here is my finished scrappy hoop for ‘The Scrappy (Hoops) – a Modern Swap‘. I have called it ‘Scrappy Button Mandela. A Mandela is a kind of prayer wheel that aids meditation. It is my first hoop attempt and I am really pleased with it. I pieced the middle circles then needle-turn appliqued the