Jo Avery – the Blog

Warning – vintage notebook overdose alert!!

A couple of months ago I made my first two of these notebook holders. I wrote about them here and I hoped to teach a workshop on them. However this was another of those classes that didn’t get enough interest (I seem to be always saying this, but lots of my classes do get booked

Vintage linen notebook covers

I have been busy making new projects for my Craft Workshops. Here is the latest, notebook covers made with pieces of vintage embroidered linen. About a year ago I bought a big haul of these from a church who had been left them in a church member’s will. I wrote about it in this post.

Cathedral Window Pillow

Well I have had quite a week with all the snow, ice and traffic chaos up here in Scotland. I can’t be bothered to bore you with all the details, but we did finally manage to get my father on a flight home on Thursday, but that was only after 2 failed attempts to take

Bench cushions and a batch of owls

  I have been spending the last week making some things for the shop. I had a commission for some cushions which I really had to get on with and my Bearpaw display is looking a bit depleted, so I have decided to concentrate my efforts on making things to sell rather than to swap!

More bags and a bear with paws

Do you remember a few months back when I showed you my ‘little animal in a teacup pincushions’ (must think of a snappier name!)? I wrote about them here and asked you to suggest an animal to go in the last teacup (I like to think it’s of similar importance to the 4th plinth in

Bags, bags bags and cushions!

The rest of the UK has been scorching under a hot summer sun, but here in Edinburgh we have had a very cloudy week (though pleasant and warm). This has meant that my week off has been really productive – if the sun was out I would not be able to help myself from lying

Vintage haul

A few weeks back we (Jonathan and myself) were delivering our last piece of furniture (from our now finished furniture making business) to a local customer. As we were saying goodbye, she took me aside and asked me if I would be interested in some antique linens. Well as you can imagine I was certainly