Jo Avery – the Blog

House Blocks

For the last year I have been sewing blocks for the Tag Square Bee on Flickr. This has been a fun, though frustrating Bee, to be part of. We seemed to have more than our fair share of Bad Bee Luck, with about a third of the members dropping out half way through due to illness or just going AWOL. Poor Jo, the admin and organiser, has had quite a difficult time of it and there have been a lot of angel blocks made.

But despite all that, I have managed to collect some beautiful house, people and cat blocks! I have laid them out above but need to ask you all some advice.

Meanwhile look at this gorgeous block made for me by Juliana. It is my last block and it is still on it’s way to me from Poland.

It has been on it’s way for quite a while now and I am just praying it hasn’t gone astray (another thing that kept happening to other member of this Bee!). I just love this wonderful Story House. In fact I was so inspired by it that I decided to make a few extra blocks with a bit more detail on.

So here is a tall house with a tree full of birds and some kittens and teddys in the window.

 And here is a house whose occupant loves Babushkas (or maybe one lives here!), and where the toaster dances with the toast every morning. And hedgehogs roam around the garden in vast numbers (but don’t like straying from the path and getting their little paws wet).
And lastly I thought I would have a go at a figure. I like the way her handbag turned out but she put on quite a bit of weight while I was making her (must have been the chocolate digestives I was scoffing!). I designed her all willowy but she looked decidedly beefy by the time I had finished piecing her.

Let’s look at that top photo again.

As you see I have 11 house/figure blocks and am still waiting for the 12th. I also have the block of squares in the bottom left corner and another pieced block (not pictured). I can’t decide whether to make the quilt with just 12 house/figure blocks and sashing, and use the plainer pieced blocks on the back, or make 3 more ‘squares’ blocks similar to the one here, bottom left, and put these in each 4 corners and make a 16 block quilt with no sashing. I would then use the spare block on the back (which is from Jackie, and beautiful but just doesn’t quite fit in to the quilt).
Any suggestions dear, patient readers?


  1. Oh your bee blocks are all lovely! I'm having a house theme for my month in the 318 bee and I can not wait to see what my uber talented bee mates come up with!
    Ok back to you, lol sorry! I'm not a big fan of sashing but I am a big fan of square patchwork blocks, so I like the 16 block version best. Either way it will be a gorgeous quilt!

  2. What a great quilt – I'm glad you got all your blocks in the end
    I've been invited to join a Quilt Bee next year – they will be improv block based and 'showing' on Flickr – I'm a bit overwhelmed with the skill and standard of the others taking part, but hope to hold my own

  3. Gorgeous blocks. I like your idea of squares blocks in each corner to give it balance. Don't think you need sashing as it looks like a wee community of homes, people & of course the street cat! Jxo

  4. I think it would look best with just all house/figure blocks and put the squares block on the back. I love the figure block. She looks like she's ready to knock someone out with that bag! xx

  5. Looks wonderful so far, either option you can't go wrong. The block your still waiting for looks amazing, hope it turns up soon. Considering all the mishaps that have happened along the way you will have a wonderful finished quilt at the end.

  6. I like a 4 x 4 but not so keen on the 16 patch in the mix at the moment.Maybe if it had just one more 16 patch friend – I would try to avoid too much symmetry as all the lovely blocks are so unique. Wouldn't mess with your bag lady, she's a toughie!!

  7. A-freakin-dorable!:)
    OK…here is my suggestion….I'm all about a frame….how about you put all those houses and people around the outside and either make 3 more of those 30 mini block blocks (so you have a big center square of mini squares) or just put a square of one fabric in the middle…maybe you have something like your blog background fabric so it's like houses and people around a park!:)
    Hmmm…did that make sense?:)

  8. House blocks are some of my favorites and yours are all so adorable!! Esp. the story blocks, loving the hedgehogs! I hope your block makes it to you and doesn't get lost in the mail.

  9. It's looking lovely already! All your suggestions and the above will look lovely and there is really no case of 'right or wrong' here as the final execution is just a question of personal taste. I do like sashing and borders myself and as Dee says, the quilt can look quite different depending on which way you frame it. I would say lay it out in different ways, with sashing, without, in 12 or in 16. Maybe in the spare room ? Then walk away and occassionally come back to it, rearrange, do other things and slowly it will come to you what you like best. And don't worry about who is on the front or on the back or even sometimes someone gets left out as the individual block is great but just the odd one out. The most important thing is you are happy with the end product the way you 'feel' (not reason) is best ! Best of luck. I know you will come up with the perfect solution!

  10. Ooooo these blocks are lovely! I like sashing, but I also like the idea of leaving them as they are but adding a few more of the patchwork blocks. Rather than putting them in the corners, I think I'd scatter them around randomly, like the gardens of the houses 🙂

  11. This reminds me of the material obsession house quilt. I have been making the quilt and you basically choose a back ground fabric and then use it in-between all the other blocks but they aren't in rows you stagger them around and then hand quilt little paths between the houses. You have lovely blocks to work with….. I would add in some more people blocks- especially if they are as cute as the ones you have already.

  12. I'm disappointed that my block doesn't fit in with the rest. I took the "Square" part of the Bee instructions literally and thought you'd have a mix of squares and houses from the other members, which would have looked good. I was also disappointed that some of the blocks I received were not based on a "Square" design and I'm having trouble deciding how to put mine together too.
    Teresa x

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