Jo Avery – the Blog

I can’t stop crocheting!

As soon as I finished the Wooleater blanket I had crochet withdrawal symptoms and, to avoid a cold turkey situation, I just had to start another one!
Actually I don’t think this one is going to turn into a blanket, I am thinking more of a cushion.
I had this lovely Rooster arran wool left over from some kits that we used to sell in the shop and because it is thicker than all the other wools I use I really needed to find something to do exclusively with that.
I think I may have mentioned previously that we have a good range of craft books for sale in our shop now and 2 of them have somehow found their way back to my sewing room (!).
This lovely book above is written by the same author who wrote the crochet motifs book I mentioned in an earlier post.

I fell in love with this beautiful flower blanket as it reminded me so much of patchwork quilts (in fact I have a theory that the reason I like crochet so much is that it is a ‘wool’ version of making quilts).
She suggested using up lots of different scraps to make it really colourful. I love this idea and may try it someday, but due to my plan to use up the arran wool I have restricted myself to the 7 colours I had left in that.
I am trying to make up the squares with the wool I have least of at the moment so I will know how many I can make and therefore how big the cushion can be. The squares are supposed to be roses and daisies and the rose involves a ‘popcorn stitch’ which I had not tried before but am always hearing about. They are great fun to do and grow quickly.

Not sure about what to do with the back of a crochet cushion (this being my first). It would seem a bit boring just to crochet a plain square, but equally I can’t imagine it would work with a fabric back. Any ideas?
I did manage to fit in a few new corsages for the shop this week. The lighter coloured ones are selling better so I tried to concentrate on those, however that darker pinky/orange one crept in when I wasn’t concentrating!


  1. This is going to be a gorgeous cushion! I recently made a pillow using the book 200 Crochet Blocks and then made the back using a pretty stitch pattern I liked from one of the squares. It wound up being more interesting that way and I got to try another pattern from the book.

    Happy hooking!

  2. I know what you mean about crochet withdrawal symptoms, will be coming up with a hook, so just find me something to do whilst I am there.

    Would you like me to bring the DVD of the Ya Ya sisterhood x

  3. So I am not the only one experiencing these bizarre crochet symptoms? Love the start of the cushion and the corsages. Wish I could visit your shop in person!

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