Jo Avery – the Blog

flower corsage

I have been enjoying a couple of weeks off work and therefore away from the computer. We haven’t been away on holiday, though I did manage some ‘visiting’ down South in the second week. So that’s the reason I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging front!I did manage to spend plenty of time at


I came across this lovely owl on Miss Crafty’s website. She had been making one for an ‘owl swap’ and had found the pattern on another blog ‘Lolly chops’. Her owl looked so cute I couldn’t resist having a go myself and used some furnishing fabric remnants to make the first owl. I had decided

Charity squares

I came across this great website while looking for crochet patterns the other day It is a charity project which asks people to send knitted or crochet squares to Africa to be made into blankets for AIDs orphans. You can send knitted/crocheted hats or baby vests too. All they want are 8 inch squares and

Miss Bunny

A few years ago we sold lovely Rooster Yarn knitting kits in our shop and I took home the ‘Miss Bunny’ kit to make up a sample for. I enjoyed knitting Miss Bunny but came a bit un-stuck doing her pretty dress (I’m not really that good at knitting!). So she has remained, naked and

First Photos!

Feel very pleased with myself for working out how to do this on my own (ok I watched a video tutorial first!). Not many photos to choose from yet as Jonathan needs to process some to be jpgs (I sound so technical!) but here are 2 close ups of baby Henry ‘danger’ Roberts cot quilt.


I’ve been so excited and inspired by all the ‘crafty’ blogs and websites I’ve found on the internet over the last week that I have decided to start my own! It has been a bit traumatic marshaling help from the men of the house to get this going, as IT stuff really isn’t my bag.