Jo Avery – the Blog

Spot The Difference

Seeing as it’s the Easter Holidays I thought it would be nice to have a ‘spot the difference’ competition to help keep your kids busy while they are off school. So I completely re-made the Red Riding Hood quilt that I made 2 years ago for the DQS9 just so we could play a little

All hooped up now!

I’m all finished with the ‘Hoop-up! Stitch and Send Swap’ on Flickr. Well, I have finished my embroideries anyway. And this one here was a bit of a departure for me. Dolores’s theme was Modern Classic Furniture, and her mosaic was full of minimalist sofas and chairs. Well I think you’ve all seen enough of

Hoop Inspiration

I mentioned a few weeks back that I have signed up for way too many swaps on Flickr. In fact I am so busy making stuff for them that I haven’t had a chance to tell you about them! I am going to try and do a few quick mini posts about 3 of them

Warning – vintage notebook overdose alert!!

A couple of months ago I made my first two of these notebook holders. I wrote about them here and I hoped to teach a workshop on them. However this was another of those classes that didn’t get enough interest (I seem to be always saying this, but lots of my classes do get booked

A new passion and my first Christmas present

Here is a sneak preview of a new workshop I will be taking in March. I have had a few requests for some more embroidery/applique classes so I thought I would combine them with this ‘Embellishment’ class. A bit of applique, a lot of embroidery and an Indian Shisha mirror. I used to use these

Vintage linen notebook covers

I have been busy making new projects for my Craft Workshops. Here is the latest, notebook covers made with pieces of vintage embroidered linen. About a year ago I bought a big haul of these from a church who had been left them in a church member’s will. I wrote about it in this post.

Too Busy To Blog – part 1

My life is a bit of a whirlwind at the moment and I feel my poor old blog is being slightly neglected. So please forgive me, dear readers, and also all you lovely bloggers whose blogs I usually follow. I just have not had a spare minute over the last few weeks to properly visit

I just received the mini quilt of my dreams!

Wow! Just look at this totally stunning little quilt made for me by Fiona (fionapoppy) in the Brit Quilt Swap! As soon as I saw the initial ideas for this quilt I knew it was perfect for me. All the way through the swap, as it kept getting more and more beautiful, I kept hoping

look who just got back!

Some of you may remember how sad I was when my eldest son, Felix, went away travelling back in September last year. I moaned on and on about it here. Well last night he finally returned! And this is what he looked like when we picked him up from the airport. Yes he really is

Scrappy Pincushion Swap Round 3

Oh, I have had such fun making this Pirate Treasure Chest pincushion!! This is the second time I have taken part in the Scrappy Pincushion Swap. Last time I made the Little House Pincushion and I got the feeling that my partner this round would like something similar. The idea of a treasure chest came