Jo Avery – the Blog

Doodlebug and Quilts of 2024

Amazingly we are about to head into 2025! How can we be a quarter through this century already?! I’m so pleased I’ve continued to write this blog even though the distance between my posts stretches a little more each year, but these annual round ups of quilts are an important marker and I managed to

Temperature Quilts for 2024 and a Moxie upgrade!

I have temperature quilt projects to share and exciting news about the new Moxie XL! Regular readers will know all about my passion for Temperature Projects. You can read about my original Weather Bubble quilt here and since then I’ve completed a temperature embroidery and started (and then aborted!) a temperature crochet blanket. I’ve started

Poplars Quilt

It’s been quite a while since I shared a finished quilt here! This Poplars Quilt is a bit special as not only is it my biggest quilt ever it’s also been many years in the making. And its the first quilt to have it’s photo shoot enabled by a telehandler! Let’s go back to the

Social Bite Village Quilt Drive Report 2022 Part 2

I have another bumper stack of gorgeous charity quilts to share with you today, 16 in total! This is the second batch going to the Social Bite Village this year.  A huge thanks to all the wonderful quilters who have donated their quilts! I just did a tally of all the quilts donated since I

Intertwined Quilt

Today I’m delighted to share a new finished quilt! This is Intertwined and it’s made from all my Improv Flowers Workshop class samples, plus some extra details. I’ve been teaching this class since 2017 when it was a workshop choice at that year’s Stitch Gathering retreat. The initial spark was a class I took with

Social Bite Village Quilt Drive Report 2022

The latest batch of 13 quilts just left me and is heading for the Social Bite Village so I thought it was a good time for a review post and a chance to share these beautiful donated quilts in more detail. I have been collecting up quilts since the last batch left here in May

Finished Weather Bubble Temperature Quilt

My temperature quilt is finished! And in time to enter it for the special exhibition at QuiltCon Pheonix next year. I started Weather Bubble almost immediately after the first Covid lockdown last year and I wrote about it in this blogpost here.  I also wrote two further blogposts during the year it took to complete

Free Bird BOM Quilt

There is much excitement at The Thread House HQ this week as we prepare for our new BOM Club to start next week! I first wrote about our second yearly Block of the Month Club in this post but I now have a finished quilt to share along with a few new samples made using

Two Finished Flower Quilts and a Moxie Report

I have two finished flower themed quilts to share with you today! Both were quilted on my Handi Quilter Moxie and I have again learned a huge amount. So in this post we’ll be exploring the quilting of my Journey to the Centre of a Flower quilt and my new version of the Bedding Plants

Heather Black Book Review and Moxie Update

I’m a huge fan of Heather Black’s quilts and loved her first book, written with Daisy Aschehoug, ‘Quilt Modern Curves and Bold Stripes’, so I was delighted to be given a preview digital copy of Heather’s new book, ‘Design Make Quilt Modern’. I have to say that I was immediately impressed by Heather’s ambition with