Jo Avery – the Blog

Doodlebug and Quilts of 2024

Amazingly we are about to head into 2025! How can we be a quarter through this century already?! I’m so pleased I’ve continued to write this blog even though the distance between my posts stretches a little more each year, but these annual round ups of quilts are an important marker and I managed to

Poplars Quilt

It’s been quite a while since I shared a finished quilt here! This Poplars Quilt is a bit special as not only is it my biggest quilt ever it’s also been many years in the making. And its the first quilt to have it’s photo shoot enabled by a telehandler! Let’s go back to the

Intertwined Quilt

Today I’m delighted to share a new finished quilt! This is Intertwined and it’s made from all my Improv Flowers Workshop class samples, plus some extra details. I’ve been teaching this class since 2017 when it was a workshop choice at that year’s Stitch Gathering retreat. The initial spark was a class I took with

Patchwork Pony Sustainable Sew Along!

Get ready for exciting news about a brand new ‘sew along with a difference’ that I’m launching today! The Patchwork Pony Sustainable Sew Along will start in February and run for a month. In this post I will be sharing all the info you need and answering all those questions you have. First off, what’s

Tiny Improv World Quilt

Today I’m delighted to share my finished Tiny Improv World quilt. The quilt top was finished during the first lockdown when I put together many collected sample pieces from all the Tiny Improv Streetscape classes I had taught. I actually didn’t have quite enough (having made plenty into puches and bags!) and so I needed

Heather Black Book Review and Moxie Update

I’m a huge fan of Heather Black’s quilts and loved her first book, written with Daisy Aschehoug, ‘Quilt Modern Curves and Bold Stripes’, so I was delighted to be given a preview digital copy of Heather’s new book, ‘Design Make Quilt Modern’. I have to say that I was immediately impressed by Heather’s ambition with

The Moxie Report Part 1

About 10 days ago a pallet arrived at Shangri la Farm with all of this!! Yes my Moxie has arrived! This is the new long arm quilting machine by Handi Quilter and I am lucky enough to have one of the first in the UK.  You can read all about the start of my Moxie

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Today I am sharing a new quilt finish along with news of the workshops I will be teaching at QuiltCon Together next year. Yes I am now part of the QuiltCon Faculty! QuiltCon wisely decided to change their 2021 physical event (planned for Atlanta) to a virtual one, which means everyone can get involved no

Scrappy Log Cabin Tutorial

Welcome to my stop on the Keep Calm Brit Hop! And thanks so much to Jo Westfoot for getting us UK based quilting businesses together and using our blogs and sewing wisdom to help keep you all distracted and occupied through the lockdown period. You can read Jo’s intro post here. I’m delighted to welcome