Jo Avery – the Blog

Square Cogs Quilt

Issue 39 of Love Patchwork and Quilting magazine comes out today and I have a quilt featured! This is my Square Cogs quilt made with Joel Dewberry’s gorgeous Wander fabric (the same line I used for my Crockery Cupboard quilt). Absolutely love this modern sampler quilt by Karen Lewis on the cover! And Karen has an

New York Beauty Brigade Quilt

Welcome to my New York Beauty Showstopper!  This was the design brief I had from my lovely editor Jen when I discussed making a quilt with Jennifer Paganelli’s sumptuous new line ‘Color Brigade’ (I know, it’s an American name so it has American spelling, just grit your teeth and let it go). I have a

Colourwash Quilt

Wow, two finished quilts in the same week! Of course these were both finished months ago but at last I can share them here! This quilt features in the latest issue (12) of Today’s Quilter and there’s a bit of a story behind it that involves a feature I’ve contributed to! (so not just sewing

Rainbow Wheel Quilt

Back in the spring I was very busy making quilts for magazines and now a whole bunch of them are being published at the same time and I can finally show them off! So expect plenty of finished quilt posts over the summer. First up is my Rainbow Wheel Quilt featured in Love Patchwork and

Embellishing Patchwork

I felt very honoured to be asked to take over the Technical Feature in Love Patchwork and Quilting for this issue.  Sarah their Tech Editor is on maternity leave so they invited some ‘guests’ to fill the gap and asked me to do a feature on embellishing quilts, which or course is right up my

Fujiwhara Quilt

Ta Da!! This is my Fujiwhara Quilt and it’s already one of my favourite quilts ever – maybe actually THE favourite! I find it very difficult to stop myself staring at it lovingly – is that weird?! I made this back in February/March and have been desperate to share it since then! But of course

Sunshine Applique

We’ve had some funny old weather in the UK these past few weeks, even for us! Today it’s sunshine and showers all the way. So hears a nice ‘sunshine’ slogan and a fun project!  Last year I made a small wall hanging to go with this House Quilt for Love Patchwork and Quilting magazine. It

Spring Garland Applique

After my slightly moany post last time and less than enthusiastic quilt unveiling (thanks so much to everyone who told me they liked it!) here is another magazine commission that I TRULY LOVE! I am doing a series of four seasonal applique cushions for Today’s Quilter, starting with Spring which is in issue 7 (out

Laundry Label Quilt

So there I was staring at the laundry label on a piece of clothing before putting it in the wash, and I started thinking hmmmm, those little symbols would make cool quilt blocks! Really I should have left that thought right there as this quilt is probably my least favourite ever. But no, instead I

Mid-Century Modern Quilt

At last I can share this quilt with you!! Last Autumn the Modern Quilt Guild asked for quilt pattern submissions for their QuiltCon magazine which is produced by the publishers of the American magazine Modern Patchwork. I had been musing on this idea which I could see working in the magazine, so I thought it