Jo Avery – the Blog

Pop Art Dandelion and a Quilted Jacket

I managed to (sort of) have two weeks off at the start of July.  Running your own business from home means it’s hard to take a break without physically leaving home but I live in such a beautiful place that I don’t want to go anywhere else! So instead I try to avoid emails and

The Hills Are Alive and Quilts of 2023

It’s that odd time of year between Christmas and New Year when time seems to be more elastic and when I traditionally post a review of all the quilts I’ve made in the last 12 months. Every year my quilt total gets less and less! In many ways I think this is a good thing.

Intertwined Quilt

Today I’m delighted to share a new finished quilt! This is Intertwined and it’s made from all my Improv Flowers Workshop class samples, plus some extra details. I’ve been teaching this class since 2017 when it was a workshop choice at that year’s Stitch Gathering retreat. The initial spark was a class I took with

Wardrobe Landscapes and a Flower Power Embroidery

It’s been a while since I had a project in a magazine but now, just like buses, two have landed at exactly the same time. One is quilting and the other is embroidery which adds a nice balance to this post. The first one is my Landscape Wardrobe mini quilts as featured in the latest

Finished Weather Bubble Temperature Quilt

My temperature quilt is finished! And in time to enter it for the special exhibition at QuiltCon Pheonix next year. I started Weather Bubble almost immediately after the first Covid lockdown last year and I wrote about it in this blogpost here.  I also wrote two further blogposts during the year it took to complete

Free Bird BOM Quilt

There is much excitement at The Thread House HQ this week as we prepare for our new BOM Club to start next week! I first wrote about our second yearly Block of the Month Club in this post but I now have a finished quilt to share along with a few new samples made using

Bedding Plants QAL Linkup Party

EDIT: Thanks to all who linked up their Bedding Plants finishes and entered the giveaway! The winner is number 17 Pen Sprawson. Huge Congratulations Pen!! Please email me your address. Commiserations to the rest of you but you are all leaving this experience with some beautiful finished (or nearly finished!) quilts, so that’s well done

Bedding Plants QAL – Finishing Up

It’s time to put our flower rows together and finish our Bedding Plants quilt! It’s very exciting to see this already happening in the Facebook Group and on Instagram and I am just delighted with how many of our ‘quiltalongers’ have managed to keep up and stitch all their rows. In this post I thought

Basket of Blooms Pattern

I have such a lovely project to share with you today! Last year the Quilter’s Guild of the British Isles (which will be referred to as QGBI for the rest of this post!) asked me to take part in their new Quarterly Techniques venture for 2020.  The plan is to explore the wonderful world of