Jo Avery – the Blog

Temperature Quilt Fabric Book for 2024

As soon as I got up on Tuesday 31st December I stitched the last temperature block for 2024. Luckily (!) it was a very rainy day so I could decide on the weather code for the day with confidence. I’d already sewn the other 2″ blocks into the 16 block pages and had them up

The Dream Birds Are Here!

The Dream Bird patterns have finally flown into view and can now be purchased as PDFs from my website here! Four years ago I launched my first PDF patterns with my first 4 bird applique patterns. Somehow these real life birds have now evolved into imaginary ‘dream birds’! I first started creating these back in September

Temperature Quilts for 2024 and a Moxie upgrade!

I have temperature quilt projects to share and exciting news about the new Moxie XL! Regular readers will know all about my passion for Temperature Projects. You can read about my original Weather Bubble quilt here and since then I’ve completed a temperature embroidery and started (and then aborted!) a temperature crochet blanket. I’ve started

A year of Fabric Books

Sometime between Christmas and New Year 2022 I was trying to think of an idea for us to teach at our Thread House Retreats. We were focusing on hand sewing and slow stitching with a number of different techniques and I came up with the solution of making a fabric book with all our sample