Jo Avery – the Blog

Dream Flowers Fabric Book and Thread Collection

Before I had even finished the recent 100 Days of Organic Applique project I was already planning something very similar. In fact I had already created the first ‘page’ for a new book of Organic Applique with Embroidery. And now the Dream Flowers fabric book is complete and ready to share!  Here is the first

Poplars Quilt

It’s been quite a while since I shared a finished quilt here! This Poplars Quilt is a bit special as not only is it my biggest quilt ever it’s also been many years in the making. And its the first quilt to have it’s photo shoot enabled by a telehandler! Let’s go back to the

100 Days of Organic Applique – The Book!

After a 100 days of stitching little 4″ studies I have completed my first ever 100 Day Project and have turned them all into a big fat fabric book! I first wrote about this project in this post when I was about 3 weeks in so it tells you a lot about how I started

My big house news!

I am entering a time of both great excitement and upheaval as we reach the culmination of years of work and planning. So I thought it was time I told you all about it! We are partially demolishing and rebuilding our house. This is something we have wanted to do since we moved here 13

The Thread House Academy – my turn to shine!

At the beginning of the year I told you all about my new online teaching academy which I am hosting along with my two pals Karen and Lynne, better known collectively as The Thread House. You can read the post here. After a very successful launch with a free taster weekend the academy is now

Spring Embroidery News

I’ve been spending so much of my time on hand sewing recently including some new embroidery projects so I thought we could catch up here with an embroidery post. I even have a new pattern in a magazine, something I don’t do so much these days. But I really like the embroidery magazine Stitch and

A 100 days of Organic Applique

I few weeks back I started this year’s The 100 Day Project. I have been planning to join in for the last few years but never got my act together in time. This is the 10th anniversary and I had an idea ready to go so I jumped in. And I am having so much

3 New Quilts and one is already a Prize Winner!

Back in January I finished 3 quilts. Now it’s March and I’m finally getting around to posting about them here! And one of them has already won a prize! I wrote about The Thread House Academy, our new online teaching platform, in my last post and this, followed by the Scottish Quilting Show in Glasgow

Our New Online Academy!

After a huge amount of work over the last few weeks I am delighted to announce the opening of The Thread House Academy, our new online teaching platform! Karen, Lynne and I have knocked our (hand knitted) socks off getting this ready. There were times when we thought it was beyond us but we pushed

Quilts of 2022 and NEWS for 2023!

I’m a little later than usual for my annual ‘quilts of the year’ round-up post so this one will also include exciting news for 2023. A restrained amount of quilts for me in 2022 which include 4 charity quilts and 3 quilts made for The Thread House Club BOMs (one of which was also a