Jo Avery – the Blog

Bedding Plants QAL 2 – The Daisy Row

Welcome to part 2 of the Bedding Plants Quilt Along! I can’t tell you how happy it’s made me to see all the beautiful rose blocks popping up in my Instagram feed over the last 2 weeks, thanks so much for getting involved everyone!  I’m also loving the little community we have going on in

Bedding Plants QAL 1 – The Rose Row

Welcome to part 1 of the Bedding Plants QAL!  We’ll begin by making the Rose Row. I’ll be sharing step images and tips as well as instructions for making the first of my new small projects, the Rose Cross Cushion! But first let’s take a look at some of the other issues that might come

Social Bite Village Quilt Drive Report 2021

Last week I delivered 12 quilts to the Social Bite Village in Edinburgh as part of the Quilt Drive I started two years ago when the village opened. You can read all about the Social Bite Village, the quilt drive, and my involvement with it in this post. I was recently sent a report with

Forthline Project

A month or so ago I started a lovely new community project called the Forthline Project: “The idea was inspired and developed by a group of experienced craftworkers, supported by the Edinburgh Shoreline project.The finished creations will be combined so that the whole Forth shoreline story can be displayed in whole and/or local sections. The

Further Adventures with the Moxie – using stencils

It’s time for another Moxie Report!  As I am sure I have mentioned before, there is such a lot to learn about using a long arm quilting machine.  The more I learn, the more I realise there is still to learn, which really suits me as I am happy to take my time and master

Bedding Plants QAL

PART ONE OF THE QAL CAN BE FOUND HERE  PART TWO OF THE QAL CAN BE FOUND HERE (CONTAINS NEEDLE-TURN APPLIQUE TUTORIAL) Finally, after a year of broken promises I am ready to launch the Bedding Plants QAL!! This is actually the first Quilt Along I have ever hosted and there is a surprising amount

Temperature Quilt and Temperature Embroidery

I have finished my Temperature Quilt top!  And I have started a Temperature Embroidery! I started the ‘Weather Bubble’ Temperature Quilt just over a year ago on 28th March and finished it yesterday 5th April. Each row is 17 squares and there are 22 rows (the closest I could get to 365 days). You can

Embroidery Update

It’s ages since I posted about embroidery and I realised that I hadn’t even shared the exciting news here about my forthcoming book ‘Modern Crewel Embroidery’ which is due out in October.  Since my Moxie arrived I’ve been very taken up with quilting but in the background there is always some embroidery going on and

Heather Black Book Review and Moxie Update

I’m a huge fan of Heather Black’s quilts and loved her first book, written with Daisy Aschehoug, ‘Quilt Modern Curves and Bold Stripes’, so I was delighted to be given a preview digital copy of Heather’s new book, ‘Design Make Quilt Modern’. I have to say that I was immediately impressed by Heather’s ambition with

The Splendid Sampler 2 Quilt is finished at last!

I’ve just completed my third quilt finish on the Handi Quilter Moxie!  I’m going to be sharing the story of this quilt as well as another ‘Moxie Report’ on my long arm quilting progress. This quilt was begun back in 2018 when I started to make blocks along with the Splendid Sampler 2 book and