Jo Avery – the Blog

Fujiwhara Quilt

Ta Da!! This is my Fujiwhara Quilt and it’s already one of my favourite quilts ever – maybe actually THE favourite! I find it very difficult to stop myself staring at it lovingly – is that weird?! I made this back in February/March and have been desperate to share it since then! But of course

Dishes Quilt

I am so happy that I can at last share my Dishes Quilt with you!  I came up with the idea for this quilt back in the summer and offered it to the editor of Love Patchwork and Quilting, Jen. But instead Jen wanted it for her new magazine Today’s Quilter. You may remember I

Lone Star Rising Higher Quilt

It’s a bit of a Ta Da moment! My Lone Star quilt made with Karen Lewis’s new fabric is finished! My Instagram followers will have seen this coming to life over the last month or so and I’m sure will also have heard over there about Karen’s new fabric line with Robert Kaufman. I am

Trying out some new techniques

I’ve made quite a few bags over the years, but they have all been pretty basic. I can either do a tote bag or one with a box gusset like the one above. Regular readers will know that I have serious problems following patterns and therefore am doomed to ‘make things up as I go

Lone Star Rising Quilt

I’m delighted to be sharing my Lone Star Rising quilt with you today! I made this quilt at the beginning of the year for Quilt Now magazine. It is the first Lone Star I have made and I totally fell in love with the pattern. I can see a few more Lone Star quilts in