Jo Avery – the Blog

Spot The Difference

Seeing as it’s the Easter Holidays I thought it would be nice to have a ‘spot the difference’ competition to help keep your kids busy while they are off school. So I completely re-made the Red Riding Hood quilt that I made 2 years ago for the DQS9 just so we could play a little

My Doll Quilt has finally arrived!!

Yes, after a VERY long wait it is finally here! Some swappers got their’s 2 months ago, but good things come to those that wait, and here it is! Isn’t it gorgeous? Made for me by Cara of Quiltnookgal and it came all the way from the USA. There were all sorts of problems with

The Doll Quilt is finished!

Yay! All finished and ready to go! I have loved making this doll quilt and taking part in DQS9, even though our house move (right in the middle of it!) did mean I couldn’t be as active in the group pool/discussions as I would have liked. I would love to be involved with the next

Doll Quilt Swap 9 update

This is how far I had got on Friday with my DQS9 quilt. It looks kind of finished, doesn’t it? But I still have a way to go with embellishments.  I really enjoyed making the trees. They are all machine pieced and then hand quilted. I even made a ‘fancy’ back (for the first time!).

I’m off on my holidays!

Just a short break – 3 days in Ardnamurchan in the West Highlands. I have never been so far north on that side of Scotland before. We are taking a whole day boat trip round the Isle of Mull to see where puffins nest and maybe even see whales!! Jonathan is very into wildlife photography