Jo Avery – the Blog

Temperature Quilt Fabric Book for 2024

As soon as I got up on Tuesday 31st December I stitched the last temperature block for 2024. Luckily (!) it was a very rainy day so I could decide on the weather code for the day with confidence. I’d already sewn the other 2″ blocks into the 16 block pages and had them up

A year of Fabric Books

Sometime between Christmas and New Year 2022 I was trying to think of an idea for us to teach at our Thread House Retreats. We were focusing on hand sewing and slow stitching with a number of different techniques and I came up with the solution of making a fabric book with all our sample

Dream Flowers Fabric Book and Thread Collection

Before I had even finished the recent 100 Days of Organic Applique project I was already planning something very similar. In fact I had already created the first ‘page’ for a new book of Organic Applique with Embroidery. And now the Dream Flowers fabric book is complete and ready to share!  Here is the first

100 Days of Organic Applique – The Book!

After a 100 days of stitching little 4″ studies I have completed my first ever 100 Day Project and have turned them all into a big fat fabric book! I first wrote about this project in this post when I was about 3 weeks in so it tells you a lot about how I started