Jo Avery – the Blog

Temperature Quilt Fabric Book for 2024

As soon as I got up on Tuesday 31st December I stitched the last temperature block for 2024. Luckily (!) it was a very rainy day so I could decide on the weather code for the day with confidence. I’d already sewn the other 2″ blocks into the 16 block pages and had them up

Temperature Quilts for 2024 and a Moxie upgrade!

I have temperature quilt projects to share and exciting news about the new Moxie XL! Regular readers will know all about my passion for Temperature Projects. You can read about my original Weather Bubble quilt here and since then I’ve completed a temperature embroidery and started (and then aborted!) a temperature crochet blanket. I’ve started

The Hills Are Alive and Quilts of 2023

It’s that odd time of year between Christmas and New Year when time seems to be more elastic and when I traditionally post a review of all the quilts I’ve made in the last 12 months. Every year my quilt total gets less and less! In many ways I think this is a good thing.

Finished Weather Bubble Temperature Quilt

My temperature quilt is finished! And in time to enter it for the special exhibition at QuiltCon Pheonix next year. I started Weather Bubble almost immediately after the first Covid lockdown last year and I wrote about it in this blogpost here.  I also wrote two further blogposts during the year it took to complete

Temperature Quilt and Temperature Embroidery

I have finished my Temperature Quilt top!  And I have started a Temperature Embroidery! I started the ‘Weather Bubble’ Temperature Quilt just over a year ago on 28th March and finished it yesterday 5th April. Each row is 17 squares and there are 22 rows (the closest I could get to 365 days). You can

Weather Bubble – A Temperature Quilt

I’ve started a new project which I am finding particularly helpful in these difficult times. A month or so ago the Modern Quilt Guild sent a ‘call-out’ for Temperature Quilts for a special exhibit at QuiltCon 2022. You can read more about it on their website here. I have wanted to make some sort of