Dolls, Bees and Owls
My partner this round likes quite a modern, abstract style, and I am finding it more of a challenge to produce something she will like, although I am enjoying this as it is making me expand my horizons.
I designed the spiky, circley quilt above (this is just a watercolour sketch) and got quite a good reaction to it on the group pool. Most people preferred the spiky border. It is not set in stone though, and may evolve as I am working. But I have chosen all the fabrics, above. I am going with all solids and have bought some Moda Bella (because I sent my walking foot back and had to exchange it for something else and the online store also sold Moda Bella, I usually use Kona but this seems very nice too) and found the rest in my stash. Years ago (in my ‘first age of quilting’) I ONLY used solids, I think I am going to really enjoy using them again.
I thought we should have a catch-up on the Tag Square Bee that started back in October. We had a break for December but here are the blocks that have been coming and going for November and January.
Here is the block I made for Lysmask76 in November. Anna asked for aquas, browns and whites. This was a block from a Japanese book I have.
Here is January for BellsBellsJo who’s idea it was to start this Bee. Jo wanted pinks and whites. This was my attempt at Wonky Crosses, but they are not very wonky!
I am planning to make a version of ‘The Burbs’ quilt from Material Obsession 1, so I have asked for houses, people and trees in aquas, reds and pinks. This lovely house came form FlohStiche in Germany.
Hi Jo
I love the first quilt in your post! Can we see it in more detail please?? I can't decide if it's pieced or appliqued!
I love the "Burbs" I've thought of making it but love your idea of a BEE helping me make it .. .. .. now there is a new idea for a BEE – a "Burbs" BEE x x x
I just LOVE your little watercolor…I think you should frame it…and give it to ME!!:) Seriously….I think you should frame it and make many more of them and sell them at your shop!!!
You have some really stunning blocks there Jo, you must have been very busy x
Oggle is a great name and fits perfectly.
I hope you have a great weekend.