FAL 2nd Quarter
I will try and get this Game of Thrones inspired embroidery finished, but it’s not top of the list. Now if I knew another book was actually on it’s way, I might feel a bit more inspired…
But I am totally, definitely going to get the Stitch Gathering Ticket quilt finished very soon! I would like it done for the Bloggers’ Quilt Festival this spring, but that might be a tad ambitious with everything else I have going on at the moment.
And you never know, now that my wrist is all healed up, I might actually get this Ripple Blanket finished. I’ve actually worked on it since this photo was taken and I only have 6 or 7 rows left to crochet!
Well that’s it, nothing new to add (so that’s good I haven’t started anything new – that I’m owning up to anyway!), but a bit of a boring post if you read my FAL post from 3 months ago!
linking up with Katy now.
Good luck!
P.S. So glad your wrist is better!
I know nothing about game of thrones but that stitching looks really cool!
So many wonderful projects! Good luck with getting them finished!
Such wonderful projects.
Good luck! Glad to hear the wrist is behaving again :o)
That is definitely a doable list! I'd like the next GOT book to come out as well, but it doesn't look likely in the near future
Oh my Gosh – love your Ripple Blanket!!!