Finished Vintage Home Quilt Reveal!
Ta-dah!! It’s finished and revealed!
I’m delighted to share my Vintage Home BOM quilt with you today.
The latest issue of Today’s Quilter (number 41) is out today and as well as featuring yet another stunning Lynne Goldsworthy cover quilt, you will also find instructions for completing the Vintage Home quilt.
I’ve kept the setting very simple and without any sashing. But putting the blocks together in the right order is slightly puzzle like (all clearly explained with diagrams in the magazine!). I’ve added a border in the same background fabric to give the blocks a bit more space to breathe.
It’s quite a busy quilt so I decided to keep the quilting simple with just a looping FMQ pattern. I was trying to evoke the texture of a heavily hand quilted vintage quilt. I would have loved to have hand quilted this one but alas time didn’t allow for that.
I love the finished quilt! It’s quirky and fun with many details to enjoy and it’s also very different to most other quilts! I managed to get the quilt sent back a little early from the magazine so that I can hang it at the Stitch Gathering this Sunday (the reason this is going to be a super quick post!).
Thanks so much to all of you who took part in the Quilt Along, I hope you managed to keep up and I am SO looking forward to seeing some other finished versions of the quilt!
This is fabulous. It look perfect hung on a wall so you can see all of the detail. x
Love the quilt, will the pattern be available as a PDF, I’ve only just discovered it. Not sure on the price & shipping costs to get the magazine back ordered here to Australia.
I now have all the TQ issues I’ll need to make the Vintage Home quilt but I can’t find the total yardages for the background fabric and the prints – not in issue 29 or 41, where I might have expected them. Hope you can help, please. TIA