Jo Avery – the Blog

I am a Featured Quilter!

” What’s this?” you say, 2 posts from Bearpaw in 2 days!! Unprecedented!
I know, I don’t think it has ever happened before, in fact this is the third post this week (I think I need to go for a lie down!).

But I just had to share with you my excitement at being today’s Featured Quilter on Amy’s Creative Side Blog! 
Every Friday Amy features a blogger who has taken part in her awesome, Blogger’s Quilt Festival.
You have to be nominated for this, which makes it extra special (I wonder who nominated me…?).
So if you want to find out a bit more about me, head on over to Amy’s Blog. Just a wee point that I actually wrote this piece about 6 weeks ago (Amy must be super organised), and I seem to remember saying that I hadn’t bought any fabric recently, however we all know that this is no longer true…

And because I couldn’t bear to do a ‘naked’ post (without a photo), I thought I would give you a sneak peek at the handquilting on my Computer Geek Quilt.

As you will see, I completely ignored all your advice! I have gone for regular handquilting in a neutral shade, in the ditch of the coloured squares with an echo square. And then I am using perle 8 cotton in slitghtly larger stitches and with matching colours around each square in the white sashing (I have tried this out on just 2 squares so far).
I got a great deal on the perle from an ebay site – 9 balls (with large choice of colours) for £9.75. It is a Brazillian brand and seems really nice, though this is the first time I have used Perle so have nothing to compare with. You can check it out for yourself here.

Ok, you won’t be hearing from me again for a few days now, so relax, and enjoy your Easter weekend!


  1. No….you didn't ignore me…that's just what I said….handstitch just inside of each square….you just took it a little further with the echo!:)

    It looks fabulous. I can't wait to see it all finished and congrats on the shout out from Amy…you deserve it!:)

  2. Congratulations. Your lovely work deserves to be recognised and seen by many. And I can't wait to hear the reaction when you give this amazing quilt to your son!

  3. I just read about you on Amy's blog. I was blown away when I started reading your description of synaesthesia as my 16-year-old son just told me the other day that numbers have colors to him and so does music! I had no idea that there was a name for it, though.

  4. Congratulations Jo! I'm going to go and read all about you next. I do like what you're doing with the quilt especially using the Perle cotton to echo the colour of each square. Perfect choice!

  5. Well do Jo! You are a quilting celeb! Quilt is looking great – can't wait to see it all finished! xx 🙂

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