It’s owl time again!
There are lot’s of big changes happening in my life at the moment. I think this seems to be the case for a lot of people, perhaps something to do with the planets!
We are doing some major re-structuring with our business in an attempt to survive the recession and this should mean that, once the dust settles, I will have more time to make things that I can sell through our shop. At the moment I make batches of patchwork cushions (occasionally!) out of left over fabrics (and extra from my large stash) from curtain/blind/interior jobs we do. I have also experimented with various bags and lavender sachets and Xmas decorations over the years but have never had enough time to pursue it properly.So the plan is that I will soon have only one shop to run and no furniture to sell and I will be able to bring my sewing machine and most of my sewing room into the shop and have a space behind the till to sit and ‘make’ to my hearts content (in between serving customers!) and then sell the things I make! Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
We will still be selling all the other retail products that do so well for us, Emma Bridgewater, Greengate, all our children’s ranges, etc. There will be a new website and I might even have a go at Etsy/Folksy to accompany it.I have great plans to expand into craft supplies and fabric/wool and run workshops even…
But I am getting a little carried away, things are going to be pretty difficult for the next few months while we ‘re-structure’ and I just hope we can make this happen at all. Still, I can’t help dreaming…
So anyway, these owls, running amoc in my sewing room – what’s that got to do with this post?
Well I have been trying out a few ideas for some smaller things I could ‘make and sell’. These owls are a mini version of ‘Oggle Owl’ that I made back in the summer. I have made them out of Kaffe Fasset 2 ply sock wool (which is striped in lovely ‘kaffeish’ colours) with a 3mm hook so they are tiny (about 2″ square).
I wanted to make things that I would enjoy making and were a bit special. I don’t want to turn into a production line and can’t hope to compete with stuff coming on from China, so though they are a bit fiddly I have great fun doing them.
I love the way they seem to each have a different personality even though I am trying to make them exactly the same!I think I have tried, in previous posts, to deny having a weird owl fetish. I don’t see much point keeping that up – I clearly have an ‘owl problem’! I am finally out of the closet!! My boys find this hilarious and tease me mercilessly.
However Jacob, my youngest (17), loved the wee owls so much I said he could have one if he took some photos of them. So he took all these lovely photos of the owls in my (very messy) sewing room having fun with the tape measure and even trying to sew themselves!In a recent clear out, I found a big bag of key ring fobs (I must have bought them when I had ideas to do this sort of thing a while ago) and thought that the owl might make a cute key ring.
What do you think? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Or just barking?!
I would love to have some feedback from whoever is reading this!
I think they would make great keyrings! I love the owls, they remind me of the claggers. I also love the idea of workshops, I could come along once I'm back xx
love the colors you used 🙂 owls being so popular 🙂 I bet you'll make a kiling 😉 best! ~dawn
I know my 11 year old son would adore these! He loves anything small enough to carry around; he loves keyrings (what child doesn't!); he loves souvenirs – I think you're on to a winner!
awh they are lovely! you're on to a winner! love the photos, they make me think of bagpuss (photo-animation)
SV x
Really like the photos of the owls. Good job Jacob.
Gorgeous, I love owls….