Newsy stuff!
I have exciting news for all my blog readers! Sometimes I don’t get around to to announcing stuff here that’s already been shared on social media, but this first bit of news is a big deal so I want to share it as much as possible!
I am one of the Aurifil 2018 Design Team!
This means I get to design one of the blocks in the Aurifil Block of the Month next year! Hooray! I absolutely love the theme and my mind is already buzzing with ideas. Which is a good job as I am up quite soon as my month is March!
And look at that crowd of awesome quilters! I can’t quite believe I am included in such a group, I feel incredibly honoured.
The whole thing is hosted by quilting legend, Pat Sloan, who is just as warm, friendly and fun as she looks in her photos. Each Month Pat interviews the designer and participants have one month to make the block and enter at her website to be in the running to win a BOX of thread!
You can read all about it on the Aurifil blog here. And I’ll post more about it in the New Year when it starts so you can all join in if you like!
My second bit of news is that I have been nominated in two categories for the British Craft Awards!
Last year I won second and third prize in the Best Quilt Blog and Best Quilt Designer categories respectively, which was a huge thrill! I have been nominated for both categories again and if you’d like to vote for me please click here and choose the quilting category. Voting closes Sunday 17th December, so you have a bit of time yet. By voting you will also get the chance to win £600 of Amazon vouchers!
Thank you so much in advance if you do take the time to vote for me, I really appreciate your support!
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