Surviving the Country Living Fair
Part of the deal was that we had to supply all the materials required so that 35 – 40 people a day could make a robin along with me. So that meant making up a lot of kits! My very supportive husband, Jonathan, stepped in to the breach and made up 172 kits. Thank you so much Jonathan! This is our dining room table a week or so a go when he was in full ‘outworkers’ mode.
I have done a lot of teaching over the last 18 months but nothing like this – 35 plus students in a very public place, with a camera zoomed in on my hands and a microphone attached to my head – I have to say I was pretty terrified! The demo was at noon each day and Jonathan was there on the first day to get some photos. This is the crowd waiting patiently for me to start – yikes!
Here I am waiting for Alan, the AV guy, to come and hook me up to the mic. Can you see the Robin on the screen? I am probably quite close to disappearing behind that desk and running away at this stage!
But somehow I managed to get started and get through it.
Here are the students busy with their robins.
And here are a couple of ladies at the end, looking very happy with their new robin pals!
Yes, every day my lovely students managed to make a robin each. Though on the first day there were a couple of square robins! So on subsequent days I managed to emphasise the crucial ‘square to triangle’ phase more and that didn’t happen again.
And after that initial shaky start (though apparently you couldn’t tell that I was nervous!), I got better and better every day and by Sunday I was absolutely loving it!
I loved it so much I want to do it again and have volunteered myself for next year.
I got some great feedback and the demo was so popular that poor Matthew, my lovely Country Living assistant, was constantly being harangued by people who couldn’t get a place!
At the end of the demo I showed them this cute little chicken fella and explained how to transform their robin for Easter.
And that’s the only new craft project on offer here this week as I have not had a moment to spare for makes!
It was lovely to meet so many old and new friends at the Fair, especially Jo and her very talented daughter Emily, who was exhibiting her landscape photos at the fair. Jo even helped me out during one of the demos, thanks Jo!
Oh my goodness what a crowd, but well done you. I wonder if folk realise what goes into a 30 min tut.. but congratulations once again
Love the cute little birds! I always found it fun to talk in front of people like that. The first minute or so I'm nervous, but then after that it's just like talking to friends.
How exciting!
very brave indeed well done!
Well done you! I'm so glad it went so well.
Well done, I'm sure you were brilliant. Juliex
Oh well done you – that is quite possibly my worst nightmare; brave brave lady xxx
WhoooHOoooo! Look at you…you were on the telly…or at least your hands and voice!;) Hahaha! Congrats and pats on the back for Jonathan for helping out and taking photos so we could live vicariously through them!
I think I am going to have to make some robins for wee presents!
Well done to you for being so brave.
Oh wow, sounds like you did an amazing job, I'd have been running the other way! The robins look so cute.
Hi Jo – I was one of your students on the first day – the lady who hade some missing eyes & thread in her kit!! Can I just say what a briliant workshop and I am very proud of my little robin who is waiting to go on the Christmas tree when it goes up. Well done and look forward to another "make and take next year"! I would recommend to anyone who didn't make the fair this year to go along next year.
That looks scary but exhilarating! Well done!
Oh wow! That's quite something with such a big crowd! Well done, I knew you would do well and so totally not surprised you did xxx
Glad it all went so well!
Well done Jo. It looks like you had some very happy customers.
Gorgeous robin and chicken too, really wish I lived nearer as I would have loved to have been there.
Oh well done!