Jo Avery – the Blog

Mini Quilts and REALLY Mini Quilts

Gosh nearly 10 days since my last post – sorry everyone!There is a lot of momentous stuff happening in my life at the moment which is rather getting in the way of my blogging. Can’t say too much at the moment (don’t want to jinx it!) but if it all works out then the future

A handmade Christmas part 1

First of all, mucho apologies for not posting at all in the last two weeks. It’s just the time of year, too much to do at work, Christmas shopping, along with a visit to my folks and the most time consuming thing of all, making lot’s of my christmas presents! So here’s a sneak preview

Golden Wedding Quilt

As promised a few weeks back, here is the next installment from my ‘family quilt’ archive.This one is a bit special as it was made for my parents Golden Wedding Anniversary 11 years ago (they celebrated their diamond wedding last year!). It is really a fabric photo album. I had to give my father a

Old Family ‘Birthday Quilts’

One of the results of writing this blog and having my Flickr page is that I have had a chance to capture and archive lot’s of older quilts that I previously only had snap shots of (or no image at all). So I took advantage of the trip I made to visit my parents last

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

I feel I have been neglecting the patchwork and quilting on the blog recently. Too much crochet! So wanted to share the last ‘proper’ quilt I finished.This is the quilt I made for Gordon and Michelle’s wedding last November. Appropriately thepattern is called ‘double wedding ring’ and was probably one of the most challenging traditional

First Photos!

Feel very pleased with myself for working out how to do this on my own (ok I watched a video tutorial first!). Not many photos to choose from yet as Jonathan needs to process some to be jpgs (I sound so technical!) but here are 2 close ups of baby Henry ‘danger’ Roberts cot quilt.