UKminiswap quilt
Somehow I found myself signing up for another Instagram swap! I think it was late last year and of course the April deadline seemed so far away at the time…
This is the UKminiswap organised by Nina and to be honest I was very attracted by the reduced postal rates involved in having a partner in the same country as me.
I hadn’t really though much about what I would make but then I started a Cathedral window sample during my last workshop back in January and put a photo of it on Instagram suggesting it could be for my partner. When I saw that she liked it I decide to go with it!
But then I was too busy to do anything with it until the last week, when I finally had a bit of a break.
This is a bit of an experiment with CW as usually I make my background all the same fabric. I did try different fabric backgrounds once before but I made them similar colours so that there wasn’t such a contrast.
This has a real checkerboard of low and high volume fabrics, which you can see better from the back (and also you can see my mistake missing a dark square out!).
I used the machine to sew the rainbow windows down (so you get a nice pattern on the back) and then added some hand quilting in different coloured perles.
For an extra my partner will get one of these Japanese Origami bags made from a beautiful new organic fabric line from Windham called Forest Parade. I’ll fill it with some goodies too. But I have plenty of time for this as I actually finished way ahead of the deadline for once!
I do like the way the dark ‘flowers’ between the windows pop out in this piece, it looks very different from my other Cathedral Windows.
And obviously I hope my partner likes it too!
If you are interested in learning how to make Cathedral windows with me then check out the workshop I am teaching at Simply Solids on June 13th.
it's beautiful, I so love the idea of lighter and darker background. Lucky partner.
Very very nice!
That was a great idea mixing it up. The photo with the little ironed packets is so sweet!:)
I have got to give this a go since the only CW one I have ever made is when at your 1st Stitch Gathering!!
I love what you did with the background. That is a swap I'd cherish!
Really lovely!
It's beautiful!
Your partner is so lucky. I love your cathedral windows and this version with different "flowers" is a great one. And the origami bags are so cute, too.