Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along – Month 3
Welcome to month 3 of our Vintage Home BOM quilt along!
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas. I always think this period between Christmas and New Year is an odd, disorientating time, I never know what day it is and I’m all out of my routine! So this latest issue of Today’s Quilter took me a little by surprise (it’s also a little early because of Christmas).
This month we are going to be admiring our jugs (let’s get the double entendres outof the way early!). I’ve made patchwork jugs before in my Crockery Cupboard quilt, and this large jug is a more decorative version of the tall jug featured there (I’ve a new evening course for the Crockery Cupboard quilt starting in February, more info here!). I just can’t resist a star block. I am trying to ‘decorate’ the larger crockery items with classic patchwork blocks for this quilt so expect a few more in the coming months.
The only tricky part of this block is the handle. Though you will have conquered this previously with the large teapot in month 1, so those curves should hold no fear for you!
The smaller jug is quick and easy, which is a good job as you need to make 4!! Have fun with your fabrics, giving some matching handles and others contrasting ones. Also you can make them point in different directions. They only have room for two of the blocks in the magazine so here are the 4 I made.
As promised this month we have our first guest host – Kerry Green of Very Kerry Berry. Kerry has made 5 beautiful blocks and all with gorgeous vintage fabrics! I love that blue background fabric.
She also shares a few of her collection of beautiful vintage jugs, check out her post here.
This month’s Vintage Shop is another local one, situated in Bruntsfield, Edinburgh, about 10 minutes walk from my own shop. It’s owned by a cute Border Terrier called Tippi and has a fabulous selection of vintage and antique home wares. I just love that Majolica corn on the cob jug!
As always, please let me know if you have any queries about the blocks, and enjoy making your jugs!
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