Beginner’s Luck!
I am so excited! I won a giveaway!!
And it was actually the first one I have got around to actually entering. Thanks so much to Margueritte from Adventures in Quilting and Sailing who tipped me off to this amazing giveaway on a Flickr group called Fresh Modern Quilts. They were celebrating their 2000 member, and as I am also a member (it has some of the best quilts on Flickr!) and was in front of the computer at the time I managed to enter. I usually get to these things too late. There were 29 amazing prizes, gorgeous fabrics and quilting books and patterns. I got chosen 11th!
I have given the organiser (r0ssie, who has a fabulous blog here) my first and second choices as she was still waiting to hear from somebody above me. Both my choices are fabric packs and both look gorgeous so I will have a fabulous prize coming my way very soon!
Meanwhile I have been busy with a new mini project.Little Patchwork Fishes! There are a lot of fishes around at the moment as a nautical theme is very big in both fashion and home decor. I started making these on Easter Monday and then a delivery arrived at the shop on Tuesday from Parlane with these strings of fishes in wood and metal. I am obviously very ‘on trend’ these days!
Here is a big pile of them waiting for their tails and eyes to be attached.
I am calling them Patchwork Fishes as they have a different front and back (why use just one fabric when you can use two!). They are 12cm long. I machine sew the body leaving the tail end open. The hardest bit is stuffing them, because of the narrow gap, it takes ages! I have been using a pencil and sometimes the wrong end of a paintbrush to push the stuffing down. I then hand sew the little felt tails with 2 layers of quilt wadding inside and then sew these to the body, turning the edges under.I think the bead eyes work well and are appropriately fishy!
They are then’ strung’ with glace wool and the wool attached to a wooden button. If I had some nice ‘pebbles with holes in’ this would work even better but I will have to go beachcombing for those!
Not sure they are much use for anything but they are so pretty and a great way to use up very small scraps of your favourite fabrics!My next post will be my 50th and I am planning a big giveaway! I know this is usually done on a 100th post but I am so slow (and yet impatient!) that I am just going to do it for 50.
I was so happy to win that givaway yesterday that I really want to spread the joy around. So keep your eye out for my next post and maybe you could be celebrating your own win soon!
Love your fishes, they DO look SO fishlike with their tails and beady eyes!!
Congrats on your win. So glad at least one of my friends did! Can't wait to see what you have chosen!
I love these fish. I think they would be so cute in a cabin.
I got the 'Retro mix' Marg!! Great talking to you yesterday!
Lovely fishes, great to have some up todate information on what is in vogue x
Love the retro mix! good choice!
These fish are so cute. I better not show my son though – he will demand I make them today! Thanks for your fun posts and visits to my blog. Yours has me salivating just as much!!
Yummy fishy:) Nice idea to use scraps:)