Jo Avery – the Blog

Doodlebug and Quilts of 2024

Amazingly we are about to head into 2025! How can we be a quarter through this century already?! I’m so pleased I’ve continued to write this blog even though the distance between my posts stretches a little more each year, but these annual round ups of quilts are an important marker and I managed to

A Forest of Poplars!

I’ve spent the last few weeks getting ready for my next online class for The Thread House Academy.  It’s my first of this academic year and it’s Poplars! You can read all about the original Poplars Quilt, and it’s genesis, in this post here, and also the first batch of Poplar class samples I made

Beech Canopy Quilt

I have a finished quilt to share today, one that I started about a year ago. This is Beech Canopy and it was inspired by looking up at the tops of my favourite beech trees from below in the spring. I love that fresh green colour and the way the sun sparkles through them. I

Temperature Quilts for 2024 and a Moxie upgrade!

I have temperature quilt projects to share and exciting news about the new Moxie XL! Regular readers will know all about my passion for Temperature Projects. You can read about my original Weather Bubble quilt here and since then I’ve completed a temperature embroidery and started (and then aborted!) a temperature crochet blanket. I’ve started

The Hills Are Alive and Quilts of 2023

It’s that odd time of year between Christmas and New Year when time seems to be more elastic and when I traditionally post a review of all the quilts I’ve made in the last 12 months. Every year my quilt total gets less and less! In many ways I think this is a good thing.

Poplars Quilt

It’s been quite a while since I shared a finished quilt here! This Poplars Quilt is a bit special as not only is it my biggest quilt ever it’s also been many years in the making. And its the first quilt to have it’s photo shoot enabled by a telehandler! Let’s go back to the

100 Days of Organic Applique – The Book!

After a 100 days of stitching little 4″ studies I have completed my first ever 100 Day Project and have turned them all into a big fat fabric book! I first wrote about this project in this post when I was about 3 weeks in so it tells you a lot about how I started

The Thread House Academy – my turn to shine!

At the beginning of the year I told you all about my new online teaching academy which I am hosting along with my two pals Karen and Lynne, better known collectively as The Thread House. You can read the post here. After a very successful launch with a free taster weekend the academy is now

A 100 days of Organic Applique

I few weeks back I started this year’s The 100 Day Project. I have been planning to join in for the last few years but never got my act together in time. This is the 10th anniversary and I had an idea ready to go so I jumped in. And I am having so much