FAL 2014 – I am joining in!
I only managed to take part in the first quarter of last year’s finish-along, and only managed to finish 2 things! How useless am I?
To tell you the truth I am actually quite a good finisher so I don’t usually have loads of projects to add. But this year I seem to have found a good crop so here goes!
I am also really delighted that my real life pal Katy is hosting the FAL this year – Go Katy!!
So first up, something I know Katy would approve of – this is the Stitch Gathering Ticket Quilt! Or it will be when I get round to putting them all together. The photo above shows the pile of little blocks that were made from the fabric tickets that we sent to all the participants of last year’s Stitch Gathering Modern Quilt Retreat. Each Retreater embellished their tickets and handed them in when they arrived.
The photo below is the tickets all pinned up during the event. I promised I would sew them together in time for this year’s event (news on that coming soon!!) and then we would raffle the quilt for charity (or something like that, I can’t quite remember what I said now!!).
It’s going to be a very unusual and I think stunning piece, and I really should make a start soon…
This next piece is an EPP project I started to highlight Denyse Schmidt’s Chicopee line. But I wasn’t really feeling it so I made this Cathedral Window cushion with the fabric instead. But these bits are still hanging around my sewing room taunting me and, having just acquired some Chicopee charm packs with the whole range in (and more lovely colours then we had in store originally) I think I might have another go at it. No idea what it will turn into though!
Now for some crochet. The next 2 pieces were started as class samples, so I haven’t been very keen to finish them as then I might need to start more when I repeat the class!
But I do like finishing things and this ripple baby blanket was also designed to show off the lovely Rooster Baby wool so it would be useful in a window display (I don’t have a baby for it at the moment!). I think another 10 stripes or so should do it.
I like crocheting the ripple pattern but I prefer…
… the wool-eater pattern!
Yes I love this blanket so much that it gets 2 photos!
I would really like to finish this but it is very time consuming and boy does it deserve it’s name!! It is now taking me nearly 2 balls of wool to go one round!!
The word that springs to mind when I look at this blanket is ‘juicy’. I love how bright and cheerful it is and it’s so cosy! I am using Sublime Silk Cashmerino and Baby Cashmerino throughout.
A free tutorial and pattern for the wool-eater can be found on Sarah London’s blog and the ripple pattern can be found here at Attic 24.
So that’s it, a good mixture of crafts to keep me from getting bored (and tendonitis!).
Linking up with all the other FALers at The Littlest Thistle.
Yay, glad you could join us, and of course I approve of #1! I really love the wool eater too, but that is an insane amount of wool o.O
Good luck!
lovely projects to be working on 🙂
You have a nice variety of projects to work on this quarter. Di x
The ticket quilt will be a stunner. Shame you have to give it away!
Lovely varied list there Jo. I'm a Game of Thrones addict, ( fantasy in general) and started when the first book came out . I'm not usually a fan of 'geeky' things, as you say, but is there a pattern for the tree, or did you make it up?
So excited about number one, can't wait to see it! Great list.
Very varied, good luck!
What wonderful projects you have on the go! I look forward to seeing them finished!!
This is a fun list. It would be great to raffle the ticket quilt for charity, it will be stunning when it is put together. I love EPP but haven't tried crochet yet. Actually, learning to crochet has been on my list for a couple of years.
What a wonderful list – something for everyone! Good luck with it all!
Now that's a fun and varied list! x
I think they will keep you out of mischief!
Ack…you are going to be busy which is a really good thing right?:)
While you are crocheting magical things I'm going to make a bathmat out of tee shirts…cause all I can do is straight crochet….directions are Greek to me!!:)
Some lovely projects to choose from!