More Stitch Gathering News!
I am so excited about this year’s Stitch Gathering! Not only will we get to do it all again, but this year is going to be EVEN better!
We have changed the venue to Napier’s Craiglockhart Campus. This is situated a little further to the south of Edinburgh then last year’s event. The main advantages here are FREE PARKING right outside the venue, EVEN LARGER classrooms than last year, both of them accessible on the ground floor and just a few paces from the main door, AND a fabulous big reception area where we can all gather to meet and to have our lunch!
I have also had a really inspired idea for this year’s TICKET, plus I will be doing my utmost to TOP the incredible goody bag that everyone received last year!
And that’s without even mentioning the teachers, workshops and other excitements we will be offering this year! (more news about this to come soon!).
So I hope you are just as excited as me after all that!! Phew!
The event will take place on Sunday 14th September and this year’s ticket will cost £110 and be available to buy sometime during March.
Meanwhile you can find out more about last year’s event here, see lots of photos on our facebook page, and sign up for the latest news (including ticket release) at the Stitch Gathering website.
Woo hooooo!!!
Oh I wish 🙁
Yay! It was a lot of fun last year!
Ditto what Flying Blind said!
Yay, can't wait :o)