Our New Online Academy!
After a huge amount of work over the last few weeks I am delighted to announce the opening of The Thread House Academy, our new online teaching platform!
Karen, Lynne and I have knocked our (hand knitted) socks off getting this ready. There were times when we thought it was beyond us but we pushed on through, despite our hurty brains, and we are unbelievably proud of our achievement! And we are so pleased with our brand new shiny website! Please do head here over for a visit, even if you have no interest in the Academy, and let me know what you think.
In my last post I asked you to ‘save the date’ for our Free Taster Launch Weekend. I fully intended popping back in to tell you more about this but organising it has taken up all my time!
The Taster Weekend starts this Saturday 11th February and there is still time for you to sign up here. There are 6 amazing classes (see below), 2 from each of us. The lessons are all pre-recorded and you can enjoy them for FREE over the weekend, with the first 3 dropping on Saturday at 9am GMT and the other 3 at Sunday at 9am GMT. You will have access to them until Monday evening.
However if you book our Full Year or First Term Academy Passes you get to keep access to all 6 Taster Sessions for the whole of your Academy period!
I will be teaching my Freehand Halo Applique on Saturday and 3D Felt Flower Corsage on Sunday.
Here is my new Halo Cushion made during the lesson and here are my 4 flowers!
I’e had such fun making these and I hope you will all enjoy making them too! Sign up for the FREE Taster Weekend here.
After signing up do take a look around the Academy website at all the online classes and masterclasses we will be offering.
We have an amazing introductory offer for the launch weekend with 25% off until Monday 13th Feb midnight GMT. This is incredible value for both the full year and first term!
I will be teaching Intertwined Improv Flowers, Organic Improv Applique and Keepsake Fabric Book.
I am so excited about all of these classes! Each month a new one will drop, divided into 4 weekly parts. You can take these over the 4 weeks or all at once. These will be followed by Live Zoom surgeries where you can ask questions and receive feedback from your tutors. We finish up the month with a Live Show and Tell session.
Once we have each given a class the term ends with a masterclass where each of your tutors shares their experience and wisdom on a basic subject such as applique, quilting and binding.
Do check out the fabulous classes offered by Karen and Lynne too and also the themes attached to each term.
Even if you don’t want to sign up for the full Academy I do hope you get to enjoy one or all of our free classes. It’s our absolute pleasure to offer this weekend of fun to you all with our love!
It looks (and sounds) wonderful!