Popular Patchwork was one of the first magazines to publish my patterns, nearly 3 years ago now. I’ve been kept pretty busy with the newer magazines like Love Patchwork and Quilting and Quilt Now recently, but now PP has a new editor I’ve been lured back!
She is the lovely Liz Betts, one of my co-authors on 50 Fat Quarter Makes. When I caught up with her at the Festival of Quilts we discussed a couple of small projects, the first of which is this Patchwork Pennant which features in the current, November issue of the magazine.
I used a Fat Eighth bundle of
Oakshott Colourshott fabrics that I had been given by one of the vendors at QuiltCon in return for letting them display my
Oakshott Sea Urchin quilt (a great deal as far as I was concerned!!). The Autumnal colours are perfect for this time of year.
The pattern is adapted from the Star of Bethlehem block and English Paper Pieced.
The tassel was made to match. It was a lovely project to work on, as always the Oakshott was a joy to work with, and I particularly like the ‘tab’ hanging loops. This could easily be adapted to make a cushion or a square mini quilt.
Liz has already initiated a few changes at Popular Patchwork like introducing a ‘Let’s Visit’ page which highlights a different city each month. I wrote the article on Edinburgh for last month’s issue…
…and it made me realise how much I enjoy writing! Which of course is why I am here now typing away on the keyboard 🙂
Next up is a really fun project from me which will feature in January’s issue!
Very cool….and we knew you when!:)
Thank you for sharing in this article
I can learn a lot and could also be a reference
I hope to read the next your article updates
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Smart pennant – very nice!
Well done on your Bloggers Festival win! Must go and try and buy a November PP now – planning a visit to Edinburgh next year!
have put your pendant in the to do list! I have PP on subscription, the only magazine apart from stitch that I get all the time, others if not in a rapper I browse through in Smith`s and buy if something catches my eye
I love Liz, she's doing a great job and also giving me lots of work 😛
thanks you I like good
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The pattern looks beautiful
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