Saturday Shopping
I thought I would do an occasional promotional post so I can keep you up to date with all the new fabric we have appearing in our Edinburgh store and on our website. AND give all my loyal followers a little incentive towards some shopping! But first you have to look at all the pretty fabrics…
I am absolutely loving this new Perfectly Perched line from Laurie Wisbrun. I always loved her Tufted Tweets but never got round to buying any. We just got these in this week, which was a surprise because the Robert Kaufman site says it isn’t available till August! I don’t know how I managed that!
Also in this week, a couple of Robert Kaufman designs called ‘Cut & Sew’. The other one features thread spools.
We have this gorgeous Blend fabric, Vintage Ladies by Melody Ross, in 2 colourways.
Also by Melody Ross this is Patchwork Flowers.
Another new line that Robert Kaufman says isn’t available till August but that I have already got my grubby little hands on, is Little Kukla by Suzy Ultman (who is turning in to one of my favourite designers). I love it’s folk art feel and…
…these Babushkas would look great in my Peekaboo Quilt!
We also have our first Christmas line in this year, Santa’s Workshop from Riley Blake. They are not overtly festive though, I would use this pretty stripe all year round.
That’s just a little taster, there’s more over on the website, and just to tempt you further here is a discount code you can use to get 10% off ANY purchases on the website (for a limited time) craftyfox. This is just for those of my loyal readers who’ve got this far down the page!
And I just wanted to let you know about a very exciting weekend I have coming up. First off, next Saturday the 28th, we are having our Craft Studio Open Day to celebrate our first anniversary. We will be having FREE craft taster sessions, plus 10% off bookings and purchases, and cake and wine! So any local peeps amongst you, please feel free to come along! More details here.
And then on the Sunday I will be hosting a Sewing Day for a few Scottish Quilty Bloggers! It will be a sort of mini FQ retreat day (very mini!) at the Bearpaw Craft Studio. There will be 8 of us in all and I will give you a full report when it’s over!
Wow, I love that Little Kukla and I looked at your store and love the polka dots. Wish I lived closer!
Oh, I love the Christmas stripe!!!
Oooh, loving that Perfectly Perched!
Love the chairs!!
I cannot believe I will be headed to Newcastle on Wed and then Aberdeen on Fri and then back to Newcastle on Mon and I will MISS IT ALL!!
Yay! Really looking forward to Sunday 🙂
Bloody hell, I'm having me some of that Chrimbo stripe on Sunday! A perfect binding fabric!