Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along – Month 7
I can’t believe how well timed this month’s Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along block is! When I planned the commemorative mug block I had in mind the forthcoming wedding of Harry and Megan, but then on the day that I shared the block online it was announced that Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, had given birth to her third child!
No news on the name of the new prince yet, I’m hoping for Philip in honour of his great granddad.
Now I realise that many of you don’t give a fig about the royal family but when you are browsing vintage shops or looking through the back of a crockery cupboard you are sure to find a commemorative mug or two. And they tend to be handed down and kept for sentimental value more than any other piece of china.
I still have my Silver Jubilee and Charles and Di mugs from childhood, but also one of my grandparent’s mugs to commemorate Edward VII coronation, which is over 100 year’s old! Definitely something to treasure.
I thought this subject would be a lovely addition to our Vintage Home quilt and an excuse for a little more embroidery.
I’ve never designed a crown embroidery before and this was quick and fun to do. Perhaps I was also influenced by watching the Netflix series, The Crown, which I am a big fan of!
The embroidery may slow you down a little this month but once you get on to the egg cups you’ll be flying along as these wee blocks are quick and easy to do. And they do look really cute in their different fabrics!
This is the first month that the Today’s Quilter team are joining is as guest bloggers so keep an eye out for their accompanying blog post later in the week over here. I did see some activity with an egg cup block on their Instagram Stories yesterday so I know they’re working on it!
This month the featured Vintage shop is another hoarder’s paradise from my visit to Glasgow. Relics was the most jam packed shop I have encountered so far!
It really needs to be seen to be believed and is slightly terrifying, but I did find plenty of commemorative mugs, including one that I actually took home with me as it came from my current home town of Linlithgow.
As always please remember to share your photos of finished (or WIP) blocks on Instagram or Facebook (or email!) with me and use the hashtag #TQVintageHomeQAL. See you next month Quiltalongers!
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