Stitch Gathering Tickets Released Today!
Yes it’s time! You can finally buy your Stitch Gathering tickets NOW!
We have had nearly 200 people registering their interest on our website and we’ve been teasing them with bite size pieces of information about the Retreat over the last few weeks.
First of all we released the teacher’s names and then last weekend we released the workshop titles and a few taster pics. So let’s share those here…
I will be teaching 2 hand sewing workshops. The first one is Cathedral Window with Embroidery – we will be making a double Cathedral Window pin cushion with some simple embroidery in the ‘window’.
My second workshop is called Fabric Origami and Japanese Embellishments, pics for this at a later stage.
Fiona from Poppy Makes blog is doing a workshop called Simple Jelly Roll Quilts.
Julie from Forestpoppy blog is going to be showing us how to make her lovely patchwork bibs.
Katy from The Littlest Thistle will be doing a workshop called Paper Pieced Placemats, and Sheila from Bluepatch Quilter will be tackling Easy Crazy Patchwork.
Hopefully there is something for everyone in that list! And it’s going to be so nice to be working as a team with all those lovely girls!
I am really excited about this upcoming event and have so many really cool ideas for it (that I want to keep secret so they are a lovely surprise for the participants) including a very special ticket!
I hope lots of you reading this are as excited as me and are about to head over to The Stitch Gathering website to buy your ticket – there are only 65 available so don’t hang about!
Are we sold out yet? :oD
Oooo! Sounds exciting!