Normal service is resumed…
Blimey, two and a half weeks since I last posted!
After that big Stitch Gathering announcement in my last post I did a quilt show, got ill, did a show at the SECC and taught loads of classes in between – phew!
I do manage to pack a lot in but the last few weeks have been too much even for me.
I have one more small event in Edinburgh this Saturday (the first Edinburgh Yarnfest!) and then I can settle down to a more sustainable life again. And start really planning our Retreat this August!
We have had a fabulous response to the launch and have now announced our 5 teachers! Read more about them here.
We are planning to release the tickets next week.
Meanwhile I have been trying to fit in the odd bit of crafting in spare moments.
Back in January I got a load of Denyse Schmidt’s Chicopee in to the shop. I really love this line and wanted to make something for the shop to show it off.
So I decided to design a new EPP pattern and make a big cushion. You can see my initial sketch above and my attempts to bring it to life. I tried to make the scale a bit bigger than my usual EPP designs.
But it’s just not doing it for me. I think I made the scale just too big.
Maybe I should have kept going but my crafting time is so short that I’ve given up for now and started a new Chicopee project.
I was teaching a workshop on Cathedral Window on Sunday and managed to start some myself.
I’m using the Essex linen in Natural (again!) for the background, it’s a bit heavy (so a thimble is mandatory as I am hand sewing this bit!) but it was the only thing that I thought worked with the Chicopee. Much as I love this line it is quite hard to match it to other fabrics.
I am having 2 days off and enjoying sitting in the sunshine (glinting off the snow!) whilst working on this.
And yesterday I actually managed to finish something!
I’ve finally finished Felix’s Christmas present jumper!! This is the first (and possibly the only…) item from my FAL list that I have actually finished.
And it fits him and he loves it!
At my stand at the recent quilt show a number of ladies came up to tell me that they enjoyed reading my blog (thank you!) and that my son was very handsome. So here he is again especially for you!
I just wish I could have got him to brush his hair first!!
Love those Cathedral windows, and that is on my 'to do' list this year. Enjoy your rest, you certainly have been busy.
Chicopee catherdals is beautiful! Lovely to meet you at the SECC, hopefully see you again at the Stitch Gathering 🙂
Love those Chicopee windows and your abandoned-for-now EPP!
Loving that chicopee in those cathdedral windows.
your cathedral windows look incredible and I adore your EPP – I love the pattern and think the scale looks perfect for those fabrics!
Chicopee windows are looking wonderful! Great jumper x
Oh yeah, I can totally see you just sitting with your feet up now ;o) Loving the cathedral windows!
You need to draw breath Jo! Loving the wooly pully
Hi Jo, I finally came and found your blog. It's great, I love your cathederal windows, I've never tried those before. One of my sons would be happy to never brush his hair from one weeks end to the next – he is only 12 tho and I can still attack it with the brush.
The Cathedral Window technique is so nice 🙂 Very nice jumper for your son, love the colours!
Love your cathedral windows in Chicopee! Felix looks very happy in his new jumper 🙂
So many pretty things in this post and then handsome man in stunning sweater at the end.
Ha – can't imagine my son allowing me to show him off on my blog!!