Jo Avery – the Blog

Kantha Throw

Issue 18 of Love Patchwork and Quilting is out now and it includes this Kantha Throw which is the last in my series of ‘stitchy’ projects.
I am loving the colour palette on the cover this month and all three of these projects are fabulous, especially Modern Handcrafts genius hexy technique and Julie’s gorgeous cushion. And inside you’ll find another amazing quilt idea from the ever prolific Lynne.

As with all three of these projects I have produced a hanging heart ‘mini make’. This was probably the easiest of the 3 to make. I took this away with me to stitch on our 25th Wedding Anniversary weekend in Copenhagen at the end of November, so it has nice memories attached.

I chose to make the throw all from one line of fabric (very unusual for me), this is Honor Roll by Anna Mara Horner (who I will be actually meeting in person in less than 2 weeks at QuiltCon!!!).

I wanted something big and bold to shine through under all the stitches.
Kantha is a traditional Indian embroidery technique. A bit like Sashiko it was orignally a way of using up old textiles.

 I used layers of old sheets instead of wadding for a more authentic ‘drapey’ feel, and then a false back (of polka dot flannel) that I tied. Lots more info about this project in the magazine – go buy a copy!

The QuiltCon excitement is already ramping up to the max here and I can hardly think of anything else! I am planning a QuiltCon post all about my extensive preparation very soon!


  1. This kantha quilt is awesome, Jo! Colour are just so vibrant – thy way you put it all together is just beautiful! I have an electonic copy of the mag to enjoy! x

  2. Fabulous! My daughter and son just gave me a bundle of fat-eighths in this same line – I love everything AMH – lucky you for meeting her. But then again, she's lucky to meet YOU, too!

  3. I bet this feels lovely, great choice of fabrics. I just did a Kantha workshop …. But the scraps were about 1" square, a wide variety of possibilities with just one technique x

  4. I was kantha quilting today – I love the effect so much. Your throw is absolutely beautiful and your old sheet batting idea is really interesting. I imagine it's quite heavy and drapey.

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