Jo Avery – the Blog

Finished Hello World pillow

It’s been a bit quiet in the sewing room recently as I have been busy with our shop move. But I did manage to finish the Hello World pillow for Blend Fabrics. And as I have all my quilts at home at the moment (usually they are hanging on the walls of the craft studio)

Hello World!

  Regular readers will already know how much I love Cori Dantini’s fabrics. I have used both of her previous collections to make cushions and wallhangings. Last year Blend Fabrics asked me to make a pillow from Cori’s ‘The Sweet Life’ collection for their booth at Quilt Market. Well they’ve asked me to make another

Cathedral Window Cover

At last I can share this quilt with you that I made back in January. And I’m so ecited that it’s the cover quilt on this month’s Love Patchwork and Quilting Magazine (out today!)! Eeek!! This was quite a big project as not only did they want a quilt with a matching cushion, but they

Improv EPP

I bet you didn’t know you could do Improv EPP, did you? Well it turns out you can! Yes I know it is another cushion, but this one is for me, and it’s also my first FAL finish this year. This project started more than a year ago now as a project to show off

Botch Handle Cushion

This week a friend had a special birthday (a number I am heading for in just a few years too!) so I made her this cushion out of gorgeous Dashwood fabric. I just love those foxes. This is the Botch Handle block for my Modern Sampler Quilt which I finally finished a few weeks back.

Modern Sampler Quilt finished!

I actually finished this quilt before Christmas, but with everything that’s been going on and with the terrible weather we’ve been having (everything is soaking wet outside!) making photography difficult, I am only just able to share it with you now. This is my Modern Sampler Quilt, that I started making for a class last

FAL 2014 – I am joining in!

I only managed to take part in the first quarter of last year’s finish-along, and only managed to finish 2 things! How useless am I? To tell you the truth I am actually quite a good finisher so I don’t usually have loads of projects to add. But this year I seem to have found

Clamshells – rinse and repeat

First off I want to thank you for all the beautiful, heart-felt comments you left after my last post. They were all so comforting and supportive and I really appreciate you taking the time to leave them. Also a special message to KAY. Kay, you have been leaving lovely comments on my blog for a

New Applique and Colour Theory workshops

We’re going to focus on the rest of our new 2014 classes at myBearpaw Craft Studio in this post. First of all I have a new Applique class. For the first few years I offered a class where you decorated a tote bag with needle-turn applique. I have now updated this class so that we

Scrappy Improv Quilt

I have been SOOO busy over the last couple of weeks getting all my samples made for the new 2014 myBearpaw craft classes. Which has meant that I have been a bit absent from blogland, but it does mean that I now have lots of new makes to show you! We launched the new prospectus