Jo Avery – the Blog

Pincushion Round-up Post!

This year’s swap item for the Stitch Gathering Retreat is a pincushion so I thought it would be a good idea to round-up all my favourite pincushion tutorials and patterns for inspiration and help. I’ll also be showing off new pincushions I’ve just finished plus favourites I’ve been gifted over the years. But let’s start

Festival of Quilts 2018 Report

Yes… that IS me and Kaffe Fassett! This year my Festival of Quilts adventure began (at 8am!) with an appearance on the Sewing Quarter.  And if you read my last post you will already know that the other guest that day was none other than the legendary Kaffe Fassett – one of my biggest design

Resting Cat Block Tutorial

Regular readers will know that every year around this time I announce the Stitch Gathering Ticket Project.  I will be hosting the 6th annual Stitch Gathering Retreat in October which means so far I have had to come up with six different ideas for this (why oh why…? *head in hands*)! It does get harder every

Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along – Month 9

We are moving into the sewing room for month 9 of the Today’s Quilter Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along! I hope this will be a fun month for everyone.  The row of spools above is such a nice quick project, and it’s a lovely way to showcase different prints. And then we have two button

Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along – Month 8

It’s that time of the month again – phew the weeks seem to speed by at the moment! Yes it’s month 8 of the Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along, and we have finally moved out of the kitchen and found ourselves a little light. This month’s blocks are a table lamp, complete with pleated shade,

Colour Box Quilt

I am delighted to share my Colour Box Quilt today! It’s a pattern in the latest issue (61) of Love Patchwork and Quilting magazine and I got a lovely surprise when it arrived this week to find that it had made the cover! Even more so because I thought it was destined for issue 62!

Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along – Month 7

I can’t believe how well timed this month’s Vintage Home BOM Quilt Along block is!  When I planned the commemorative mug block I had in mind the forthcoming wedding of Harry and Megan, but then on the day that I shared the block online it was announced that Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, had given birth

Miss Mustard Seed Memory Star Quilt

Yes that is a bit of a mouthful for a quilt title! Today I am taking part in an ‘instagram tour’, this is like a blog hop but on Instagram.  But because I still like to tell my ‘quilt stories’ over here, where there is more room, I am blog posting too. Miss Mustard Seed

The Splendid Sampler 2!

Did you take part in the first Splendid Sampler project a couple of year’s back?  It was a fabulous success, so a sequel is on it’s way! This started off as an online Sew Along and ended up as a book published by Martingale. Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson are running things again but this

Spot the difference – Tendrils Mini Quilt 2

Last year I made a mini quilt as my entry to the Pantone Quilt Challenge. It was one of my first forays into the obsession which would become ‘Tendrils’! You can read about this first quilt here. Meanwhile Alice, the editor at Love Patchwork and Quilting, asked me to make a version of the mini